Banned books? Here?

Oh yes. Even here in the United States, we still face censorship issues. That’s why once a year, ALA (the American Library Association), along with a number of other organizations, sponsors banned books week, to promote awareness of the issue, and encourage people to get involved in their communities. You can find further information about Banned Books Week at the ALA site. This year, Banned Books Week runs from today, September 25 thru October 2. I encourage everyone to take a look at the different Banned and Challenged Books list, you may be surprised to discover some of your favorite books on the list. For myself, I always find it surprising to realize that classic books like Gone With the Wind or The Lord of the Rings are on record as having been banned or challenged.

I love reading, and I love the freedom that this country gives us, to read, view or listen to pretty much anything we want. It makes me sad to realize that if it were up to others, many of my favorite books wouldn’t be on the shelves of my local library. I don’t think anyone should be forced to read something they find offensive, but I would ask that everyone respect the rights of others, to choose his or her own reading material. Defy censorship this week and read a banned or challenged book!

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